Strategies for Chinese Enterprises Going Global

Strategies for Chinese Enterprises Going Global

Edited by Henry Huiyao Wang, Ph.D. and Mabel Lu Miao, Ph.D.

Published by Springer Nature


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This book, part of the prestigious Chinese Enterprise Globalization Series, which is published by the renowned international publisher Springer Nature, is now available worldwide. Edited by Dr. Henry Huiyao Wang and Dr. Mabel Lu Miao, this series is dedicated to the in-depth study of Chinese enterprises and their pivotal role in globalization. It features insightful monographs that analyze this dynamic phenomenon, offering readers an abundance of up-to-date information on Chinese Outward Direct Investment (ODI) and in-depth case studies spotlighting Chinese enterprises’ global expansion. These comprehensive resources, all rooted in primary research, have firmly established the series as a leader in its field, distinguishing it from similar publications.

This book offers an extensive exploration of the fundamental challenges confronting Chinese enterprises as they venture into the global arena, presenting practical solutions to address a wide spectrum of issues. It comprehensively addresses the multifaceted challenges faced by Chinese firms expanding abroad, from legal complexities and legislative matters to international talent cultivation and financing. Furthermore, it also delves into the opportunities and potential created for these enterprises through the Belt and Road Initiative.

These insights aim to provide readers with a deeper understanding of the current landscape of overseas development for Chinese enterprises, while the book serves as an invaluable reference for Chinese businesses seeking diverse foreign investment strategies, enabling them to seize opportunities, navigate challenges, and take their global development to new heights.


This book is structured into four main sections:

Part I: Theories and Strategies for Chinese Enterprises ‘Going Global’

Part II: ‘One Belt and One Road’

Part III: Chinese Enterprises Investing in the US

Part IV: Risks and Opportunities Facing the Internationalization of Chinese Enterprises

In each of these themed sections, readers will find insightful essays from renowned experts, including Professor Lu Jinyong from the University of International Business and Economics, former Economic and Commercial Counselor He Weiwen from the Chinese Consulates General in San Francisco and New York, Vice Director Liu Qun of the National Defense Economic Research Center at National Defense University, as well as Vice President of the China World Trade Organization Research Association, former Dean of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, and Deputy Director of the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce, Huo Jianguo. Additionally, it features contributions from Wu Yun, a full-time lecturer in economics at the Department of Economics at Shunan University in Japan, as well as research papers by experts such as Ding Jihua, Director of the Research and Consulting Department of the Beijing New Century Multinational Corporation Research Institute, and the Institute’s Director Wang Zhile.

As the world’s second-largest economy, China stands as a staunch advocate of economic globalization, firmly committed to elevating economic development through increased openness. Even amid the complexities of an ever-changing global environment and fierce international competition, Chinese enterprises consistently venture abroad, showcasing their resolute commitment to ‘going global.’ The Chinese government has also proactively crafted a suite of policies supporting overseas investments, ensuring stable growth. In the post-pandemic era, China is poised to emerge as a key force driving global production, trade, investment, and supply chain stability. Strategies for Chinese Enterprises Going Global is also well positioned to play a vital role in aiding Chinese enterprises as they establish roots and thrive on the international stage with more targeted strategies for internationalization development.